Make custom oil sprays to clean and freshen your home or office.
This do-it-yourself recipe sheet is a great resource for making custom oil sprays to use in the home or office. Divided into body room pillow and cleaning sprays this sheet provides recipes and recommended application instructions for 2 oz. sprays of 10 homemade blends. There is also space on the back of the sheet for your personal notes.
Recipe sheets are great for giving as class handouts or with samples. (Our Do-It-Yourself Oil Spray Labels work perfectly to help you identify your different sprays or prepare bottles of the same spray as gifts.) Or buy everything together and save with our "Essential Oil Sprays" Make-&-Take Kit!Sprays: Calm-Me-Down Body Spray, Holiday Spice Room Spray, Lavender Linen
Pillow Spray, Lift-Me-Up Body Spray, Odor Eliminator Room Spray, Passion
Body Spray, Refreshing Room Spray, Slim-and-Trim Body Spray, Yoga Mat
Cleaning Spray, and #2 Toilet Spray.
Objective: Educational. (Click here for information on the difference between Educational and Marketing materials.)
Publication: March 2017.
Additional Items Needed (not included):
"Do-It-Yourself Essential Oil Sprays Recipe Sheet" Tear Pad (25 Sheets)