You can safely use therapeutic-grade essential oils to improve the health of your pets!
A practical reference guide to using pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils and all-natural supplements to support dogs and cats. It covers many health conditions and wellness challenges, offering suggestions for supporting healthy body systems, immune response, and cellular health.
Note: The corresponding Dog and Cat Reference Card makes a great introductory handout (and bookmark) on how to apply essential oils and blends for dogs and cats. The "Essential Oils for Dogs and Cats" Bookmark is great for matching generic blend names in the books with corresponding doTERRA® essential oil blends!
Objective: Educational. (Click here for information on the difference between Educational and Marketing materials.)
Publication: 2018, 2nd Edition.
Pages: 65.
Binding: Softcover.
Dimensions: 8½" tall x 5½" wide.
Skye Patterson has loved and been loved by many dogs, cats, and other pets throughout her life. Her lifelong passion has been learning the best ways to keep her beloved companions healthy and providing them the best care possible. Although not a veterinarian, Skye completed one year of nursing training that gave her a valuable foundation of basic scientific and medical knowledge. She called upon this background when she started researching ailments plaguing her two Italian Greyhounds, who were not responding to conventional Western medical treatment for seizures, irritable bowel disorder, allergies, and liver failure.
That research 22 years ago convinced Skye that diet was a major contributing factor to her dogs' diseases, and she switched them to a completely raw diet—long before the trend toward raw foods. Immediately her dogs' health issues were greatly improved and most problems were resolved.
In 2011, Skye was introduced to the use of pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils. After using them herself for 6 months and experiencing amazing health improvements, she wanted to use them to help her dogs with their health issues. Discovering a dearth of reliable information on using essential oils on dogs and cats, she began her own research.
Essential Oils for Dogs and Cats, by Skye Patterson, 2nd Edition