Basics for healthy eating natural living and EOs on-the-go.
Hip Guide to a Healthy & Abundant Life Using Essential Oils is a fun colorful book of great recipes and recommendations for living a natural healthy lifestyle. Food categories include healthy snacks, drinks, and home cooking. "Flu shot in a bottle," natural toothpaste, and non-toxic deodorant are among favorite lifestyle concoctions. Also includes recommendations for equipping a diaper bag, gym bag, and mom's doctor bag.
Objective: Educational. (Click here for information on the difference between Educational and Marketing materials.)
Pages: 44.
Binding: Softcover.
Dimensions: 11" tall x 8½" wide.
Hayley Hobson is a expert in nutrition yoga and Pilates currently living in Boulder Colorado. As a life-style coach Hayley focuses on nourishing and strengthening her clients to successfully evolve through the shifts and cycles of life. Her study anatomical and dietary theory helped Hayley develop an understanding of how people can change—strengthen the physical body while softening the heart and mind.
Hayley studied at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and has written insightful articles for Elephant Journal NaturalCuresMindbodygreen.com andIslaorganic.com. She has also been featured in several magazines: Pilates Style, Natural Health, and Triathlete.
Hip Guide to a Healthy & Abundant Life Using Essential Oils, by Hayley Hobson