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"Essential Oils and the Brain" 2-Page Foldout Guide (Pack of 25)


Discusses how essential oils can be used to support healthy brain function in adults.

  • Introduces EO effects on the brain, application, reflex points, dilution.
  • Topics: stress, PTSD, addiction recovery, cellular health, memory and aging.
  • Protocols using single oils,d ōTERRA® blends, custom blends.

This guide discusses how essential oils can be used to support healthy brain function in adults. Each health concern includes numerous suggested protocols. The handout also illustrates pulse and reflexology points specific to the brain.

Objective: Educational. (Click here for information on the difference between Educational and Marketing materials.)

Contents: 25 guide sheets (2-page foldout).

Dimensions: 8½" wide x 11" tall folded; 17" wide unfolded.

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"Essential Oils and the Brain" 2-Page Foldout Guide (Pack of 25)

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