Empower positive change in your life today with these fun quick "Positively Me" Make-It-Yourself Recipes and Labels.
Empower positive change in your life today with these fun quick "Positively Me" Make-It-Yourself Recipes and Labels. The recipe sheet contains 15 entries on a double-sided chart made of UV-coated card stock.
Another moisture-resistant sheet includes 15 different labels for containers of your homemade 10 ml roll-on blends.
Blends: Brave, Calm, Capable, Confident, Enough, Grateful, Grounded, Happy, Healthy, Loved, Open-Minded, Optimistic, Strong, Successful, and Worthy.
Objective: Marketing. (Click here for information on the difference between Educational and Marketing materials.)
Contents: 1 recipe chart and 15 assorted labels—1 for each blend.
Ingredients Needed (not included):
"Positively Me" Make-It-Yourself Recipes and Labels