Slip this in your copy of SpOil Your Pet to match generic blends with dōTERRA® brand names!
This "Spoil Your Pet" Bookmark correlates with the book SpOil Your Pet: A Practical Guide to Using Essential Oils in Dogs and Cats, by Mia Frezzo, DVM, and Jan Jeremias, MSC.
Slip this handy bookmark into your copy of SpOil Your Pet to match generic blend names in the books with corresponding dōTERRA® essential oil blends! It also quickly illustrates which blends are safe for use on which animal. Perfect for handouts in classes gifts for prospective customers and door prizes at trade shows. The cards are printed on sturdy card stock paper with UV coating to protect them from water and oils.
Objective: Marketing. (Click here for information on the difference between Educational and Marketing materials.)
Contents: 1 card.
Dimensions: 8" tall x 2" wide.
"Spoil Your Pet" Bookmark