Host an introductory class on using EOs to enhance yoga.
These beautiful adaptable handouts are a great way to teach others how to incorporate essential oils into yoga practice. An aid to The EssentialYoga Program, by Marty Harger Jane Bloom Deidra Schaub and Stephanie Smith, the sheet briefly discusses using oils in your yoga practice the importance of CTPG® oils and application methods during the EssentialYoga workshop. The back outlines oils typically used but it also provides space to write notes about properties and benefits of any oils you choose. The convenient tear pad keeps your handouts together and in good condition. Just tear off one for each guest and you're ready to go.
Objective: Marketing. (Click here for information on the difference between Educational and Marketing materials.)
Contents: 50 double-sided sheets.
Dimensions: 8½" wide x 11" tall (¼" deep pad).
"The EssentialYoga Program" Tear Pad (50 Sheets)