Explains how essential oils can affect emotions and offers recommendations and recipes.
"Maintaining emotional balance is an important part of physical and mental health. The emotions we feel involve more than just our brain....Essential oils can be used to affect all these different systems and maintain a health balance in both body and mind."
Use this mini tear pad as an outline and handout for your next essential oil class, as a flyer to a prospective customer, or as an informative gift to share with your team! The presentation explains how essential oils can affect our emotions and charts out which oils help trigger specific responses. It also discusses diffusion and topical essential oil application methods and includes a blend recipes. A convenient tear pad keeps your sheets together and in good condition. Just tear off one for each guest, and you're ready to go.
Objective: Marketing. (Click here for information on the difference between Educational and Marketing materials.)
Contents: 50 double-sided sheets.
Dimensions: 5" wide x 7" tall.
Essential Educators: "Emotions" Mini Tear Pad (50 Sheets)