This "Simple Massage Oils & Blends" Make-It-Yourself Recipes and Label Set features 10 easy to make massage blends. Includes a moisture-resistant label sheet for a bottle of each recipe.
This "Simple Massage Oils & Blends" Make-It-Yourself Recipes and Label Set features all-natural easy-to-make massage blends. It contains all 10 entries on a double-sided chart made of UV-coated card stock.
Another moisture resistant sheet includes 10 labels for your homemade 1 oz. blends.
Blends–Breath of Fresh Air, Everlasting Love, Feel at Ease, Full of Life, Go Get 'Em, Mend Your Muscles, Pep in Your Step, Pick Me Up, Stress Bomb, and Sweet Dreams.
Objective: Marketing. (Click here for information on the difference between Educational and Marketing materials.)
Contents: 1 recipe chart and 1 assorted label sheet–1 label for each blend.
Ingredients Needed (not included):
"Simple Massage Oils & Blends" Make-It-Yourself Recipes and Label Set