This specialized handout describes how essential oils and oil-inspired supplements can help with pregnancy and fertility.
This specialized handout describes how essential oils and oil-inspired supplements can help with pregnancy and fertility. The presentation begins with the the basics on why and how to use essential oils that are certified pure therapeutic grade. It suggests different daily regimens of oils and supplements to support pregnancy and fertility. Also listed are common problems associated with pregnancy and some recommended oil remedies. This information is great for a class on the subject or as an addition to any essential oils class. The convenient tear pad keeps your handouts together and in good condition. Just remove one for each guest.
Objective: Marketing.(Click here for information on the difference between Educational and Marketing materials.)
Contents: 50 double-sided sheets.
Dimensions: 8½" wide x 11" tall (¼" deep pad).
Pregnancy and Fertility Tear Pad (50 Sheets)