Make 10 roll-on blends for mood and emotional balance.
This Emotional Support" Make-It-Yourself Recipes and Label Set features quick and easy roll-on fixes to help lift mood and maintain emotional balance.
The set contains a recipe chart on UV-coated card stock. It includes 10 blends for 10 ml roll-on vials–Bundle of Nerves; Cool Calm Collected; Ego Boost; Focus Better; Happy as a Clam; Have No Fear; In the Dumps; Love Is in the Air; Perfect Harmony; and Rollback Stress.
A moisture-resistant label sheet has 1 label for each recipe except for these blends which have 2 labels each: Bundle of Nerves; Cool Calm Collected; Focus Better; Happy as a Clam and In the Dumps.
Objective: Marketing. (Click here for information on the difference between Educational and Marketing materials.)
Contents: 1 recipe chart and 1 assorted label sheet.
Ingredients Needed (not included):
"Emotional Support" Make-It-Yourself Roll-on Recipes and Label Set