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The Healing Power of Essential Oils: Soothe Inflammation, Boost Mood, Prevent Autoimmunity, and Feel Great in Every Way, by Eric Zielinski, DC


Discover research-based life-changing benefits of essential oils from a popular online source.

  • Basics introduction and quick-start usage guide.
  • Oils for health, healing, personal care, household, athletics, animals.
  • Women's recipes for hormone balance, autoimmunity, childbearing, menopause.
  • Notes and resources included.

Discover the life-changing benefits of essential oils.

Essential oils offer natural treatment for a host of health conditions, from anxiety and depression to hormonal imbalance, digestive distress, sleep disorders, and even autoimmune disease. The Healing Power of Essential Oils includes recipes and formulations for all of these health needs and more–all backed by extensive research and the trusted guidance of public health researcher and aromatherapist Eric Zielinski, DC.

Dr. Z's thorough evidence-based approach helps you take control of your health whether you're new to essential oils or ready for advanced techniques. With your newfound knowledge you can tailor an essential oils practice that fits your unique needs–and start experiencing amazing results.

I firmly believe that environmental toxins contribute to most chronic diseases today. In his brilliant book Dr. Z delivers a priceless collection of DIY recipes that will help to detoxify your home make over your medicine cabinet and transform your body care to help you enjoy optimal health!" –Amy Myers MD New York Times bestselling author of The Thyroid Connection and The Autoimmune Solution

"An inspirational read that will enlighten you to the pervasive benefits of essential oils for your emotional mental and physical health! No fluff cutting edge and evidence based this book systematically debunks common myths and fanciful claims that have taken the internet by storm. A must-read for every essential oil user." –Sylla Sheppard-Hanger founder for the Atlantic Institute of Aromatherapy

"Our ancestors' earliest medicines were all made from the plants in their immediate environment. The Healing Power of Essential Oils blends ancient traditions with cutting-edge science to present a powerful new approach that can help you safely reverse the effects of modern scourges including depression chronic stress and mood disorders." –Alan Christianson NMD New York Times bestselling author of The Adrenal Reset Diet

Objective: Educational. (Click here for information on the difference between Educational and Marketing materials.)

Publication: 2018.

Pages: 305.

Binding: Softcover.

Dimensions: 7½" wide x 8½" tall x ¾" deep.


Eric Zielinkski, DC, has pioneered natural living and biblical health education since 2003. Trained as an aromatherapist public health researcher and chiropractor Dr. Z started in 2014 to help people learn how to use natural remedies such as essential oils safely and effectively. Now visited by more than four million natural health seekers every year the website has rapidly become the number-one source for biblical health and non-branded essential oils education online. An accomplished researcher with several publications and conference proceedings Dr. Z currently sits as a peer reviewer for multiple journals. He lives in Atlanta with his wife and four children.

Part 1: Essential Oils Revolution
Chapter 1: Fundamentals of Aromatherapy
Chapter 2: Basic Tools and Techniques
Chapter 3: Stocking Your Medicine Cabinet
Chapter 4: Quick-Start Guide to Using Essential Oils to Change Your Life
Chapter 5: Getting Started: Your Essential Oils Daily Practice
Chapter 6: Expanding Your Medicine Cabinet
Part 2: Dr. Z's Recommended Oils for Nearly Every Occasion
Chapter 7: Basic Recipes
Chapter 8: Heal Yourself
Chapter 9: Personal Care Products
Chapter 10: Around the House
Chapter 11: Essential Oils for Athletes
Chapter 12: Using Essential Oils with Your Animals
Part 3: Women's Health
Chapter 13: Premenstrual Syndrome
Chapter 14: Fertility, Pregnancy, Labor, Postpartum, and Nursing
Chapter 15: Candida
Chapter 16: Autoimmunity
Chapter 17: Perimenopause, Menopause, and Postmenopause
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