You can share your secret magic with extra recipe sheets from the Progeny's Potions" Make-&-Take workshop!
You can share your secret magic with extra recipe sheets from the "Progeny's Potions" Make-&-Take Workshop. This packet of 10 handouts outlines 10 roll-on recipes: DefenseSorcery, Dream Spell, Ear Magic, Focus Power, Grow Elixir, Happy Brew, Head Potion, Nose Concoction, Seasonal Enchantment,and Tummy Tonic. Also includes 2 bonus recipes: Skin Elixir and Tooth Tonic. Each recipe gives 3 formulations by age: 3–24 months, 2–6 years, and 6–12 years.
Each recipe fills a 10 ml roll-on bottle.
You can also use our "Progeny's Potions" Assorted Waterproof Vial Labels (Sheet of 10) and "Progeny's Potions" Sticker Tops (Sheet of 88) for these roll-ons. These labels help you identify your different blends or prepare bottles of the same roll-on as gifts.
Objective: Marketing.(Click here for information on the difference between Educational and Marketing materials.)
Contents: 10 Sheets.
Dimensions: 8½" wide x 11" tall.
Additional Items Needed (not included)