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Animal Care

Billions of people in the world own pets. Animal lovers everywhere are looking for ways to keep their pets healthy, whether that be in the food they eat or how they get their exercise. This article shows many ways that essential oils can be used on animals.

The information on this page is for educational purposes only. It is not meant to be used to diagnose, prescribe or treat any disease, illness or injury. Seek professional medical attention if your animal appears to have any disease, illness or injury.

How Much Oil to Use and Dilution Recommendations

One to two drops of essential oil is all that is necessary on animals as they respond much more quickly to the essential oils than do humans. Vegetable oil or fractionated coconut oil can be added to extend essential oils over larger areas and to heavily dilute the essential oil for use on smaller animals, especially cats. For more information on dilution, see Modern Essentials.

List of Conditions and Oils to Use

See the Common and Botanical Name Index for the botanical name of each essential oil listed below.

Bleeding: Helichrysum, geranium

Bones (Pain): Wintergreen, Soothing Blend, lemongrass

Calm: Calming Blend, Lavender, Invigorating Blend, Roman chamomile (for horses, add to feed). Dilute well for cats.

Cancer (Skin): Sandalwood, frankincense

Cats: According to Valerie Worwood, you can treat a cat like you would a child. Dilute oils heavily with carrier oil. Avoid melaleuca, as it has been known to cause death in cats.

Colds and Coughs: Eucalyptus, melaleuca (not for cats). Apply on fur or stomach.

Cows: For scours, use 5 drops Digestive Blend on stomach. Dilute with fractionated coconut oil to cover a larger area. Repeat 2 hours later.


Anxiety/Nervousness: Calming Blend, lavender, Grounding Blend. Rub 1-2 drops between hands and apply to muzzle, between toes, on top of feet for the dog to smell when nose is down, and on edge of ears.

Arthritis: Frankincense or a blend of rosemary, lavender, and ginger diluted with massage oil. Apply to affected joints.

Bone Injury: Wintergreen on injury.

Dermatitis: Melaleuca. Note: Some adverse effects have been reported with the use of larger amounts of melaleuca oil on some species of dogs. Contact a veterinarian before using melaleuca on a dog. For smaller dogs, use only a small amount of oil, heavily diluted.

Heart Problems: Peppermint on paws. (Also an anti-viral blend such as Protective Blend applied on the back with a warm compress helps.)

Sleep: lavender (on paws), Calming Blend (on stomach).

Stroke: Frankincense (on brain stem/back of neck), Grounding Blend (on each paw).

Ticks and Bug Bites: Cleansing Blend. Drop directly on tick, or dilute and apply to wound.

Travel Sickness: Peppermint. Dilute with massage oil and rub on stomach. Also helps calm stomachaches.

Earache: Blend 1 drop melaleuca (Tea Tree), 1 drop lavender, and 1 drop Roman Chamomile diluted in massage oil. Apply 1-2 drops to inside and outside of ear. (Do not use this blend on cats.)

Ear Infections: Cleansing Blend. Dip cotton swab in oil, and apply to inside and front of ear.

Fleas: Lemongrass, eucalyptus. Add 1-2 drops of oil to shampoo.


Anxiety/Nervousness: Calming Blend. Rub 1-2 drops between hands, and apply to nose, knees, tongue, and front of chest.

Hoof Rot: Blend of 1 drop of each: Roman chamomile, thyme, and melissa diluted in carrier oil and apply on location.

Leg Fractures: Ginger and carrier oil. Wrap the leg with a hot compress. Massage leg after fracture is healed with a blend of rosemary and thyme diluted with carrier oil. This may strengthen the ligaments and prevent calcification.

Muscle Tissue/Ligaments: Equal parts lemongrass and lavender on location and wrap to help regenerate torn muscle tissue.

Wounds: Helichrysum.

Parasites: Lavender, Digestive Blend, cedarwood. Rub on paws to release parasites.

Information on this page is from the Modern Essentials by AromaTools ©2012. For more information on this topic, please click here.